I came across Gary Taubes’ ‘Good Calories Bad Calories’ after I put my Evolving Food Pyramids powerpoint and webinar together and when I update it I will include his work.

I loved how Gary explained the bad science behind the ‘fat is bad for you’ lie and the good science that continues to be swept under the carpet of incredibly ignorant and blinkered public policy that puts the blame where it truly needs to be – with carbohydrates.

If you haven’t read it yet, I’d highly recommend it.










The one thing that was noticeably missing from the book was some real recommendations on  what exactly you needed to do get rid of unwanted body fat along with diabetes, heart disease, many cancers and a host of other things that have been exploding since the recommendations to eat a carbohydrate rich diet has taken a hold of the public mind.

So I was delighted to read his thoughts on that in his latest book ‘Why We Get Fat & What To Do About It’.










It’s shorter, simpler, easier to understand for the lay person but also enough meat (pardon the pun) in it to satisfy any professional.

Basically he’s got the same recommendations as I have.  Below 60 gms of carbohydrate a day for maintenance.  He’s a little more ruthless on fat reduction recommending a maximum of 20gms a day for that compared with ‘Protein Power’s’ 30gms a day max.

And if you are on medication for blood pressure or diabetes make sure you do this in conjunction with your doctor as dropping blood pressure or blood sugar too low has it’s own complications.  Most doctors are still in the low fat high carbohydrate mindset and if they are to effectively help you with this they need to be on board and supportive to what you are trying to do.   He suggests giving them a copy of it which sounds like a good idea to me.

Apart from recommending the books I’ve been wondering how to share some of this information with you.   I wasn’t clear on how to do that best until I came across this interview between Gary Taubes and Dr Mercola.  Enjoy!

You can also read more on Gary’s own site:   www.garytaubes.com or search for his name on You Tube and you’ll see plenty more.

Of course if you like reading, the books are great too.

Good Calories Bad Calories – NZ  http://www.ziwi.co.nz/good-calories-calories-p-355750.html

Amazon –  Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health (Vintage)

Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It – NZ – Ziwi don’t have it yet but I will recommend they do.

Amazon  –  Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It