Some sparklingly clear wisdom from the heart of Marianne Williamson as she talks with Marie Forleo about her new book:
I’ve transcribed some of the questions she recommends we ask ourselves when faced with life’s challenges, because remembering to ask the right questions in the right moment from the right spirit is one of key’s to LIBERATE ourselves. (Life In Balance, Expanding, Radiating And Touching Everyone:))
Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say and to whom? (one of my personal favourites from A Course In Miracles)
What is the invitation here?
Where is the fear?
Where am I not standing in the full shining possibility within myself in any given moment?
I love the analogies she shares to help us internalize some important life supporting concepts and her deconstruct on the stories we try to lay on ourselves from our relationship to our parents.
Enjoy the video and let me know what you think below,