Thank You for Your Interest

I hope you find something of interest here.  And if not I want you to know that’s ok and that I fully appreciate you for taking a look at what we have to offer.

If you would like to know more, let me know: Darag Rennie 09 428 4450 or 027 504 7280

Click on the play button in the Build Your Future link below for Michael’s presentation.

For the NZ Tour Schedule:

And there are other videos below.

Build Your Future > Business

Practitioners Speak Out:  Now That I Know > Health


Dr Darag Rennie

Meet some of the Team :

4 Minute Business Mentor Testimonial

3 Minute Business Mentor Testimonial

Practitioner Testimonial:  Dr Carolina Gonzalez - Doctor of Chinese Medicine( 2.37 mins )

Jacqui Marshall, New Zealand