I’ve often told people that when my doctor told me I should eat less red meat and more whole grains and veggies to get my blood fats going in the right direction, that it was me that saw red!

Why? If you had been vegetarian for 35 years and wheat free vegan for 10 of those years, how much red meat do you think you could cut out? Or how much more plant food do you think you could add in?

The truth is consensus nutritional science continues to lie to us about the research. As a lot of consensus science does about everything. From diet to climate to covid.

So instead of limiting red meat to 350 grams a week as the NZ Heart Foundations suggests I’m sticking with my 450-600 grams of red meat a DAY and listening to other doctors and cardiologists like these two:

I became a vegetarian when I was in medical school myself.  As I say human beings eat according to their philosophy.  Meaning, if you are health conscious, you will generally eat what you believe is healthy.  The problem arises when what we’ve been taught is healthy is all based on a lie, as cardiologist Nadir Ali states in that video.

To find out what I’ve learned in the past 10 years, preview my book on the right.  I’ve aimed to simplify things so you can get up to speed quickly and effectively.

p.s. At 5’5″, 450-600 grams a day is good for me.  If you’re taller and work out more, you’ll need more.