
I don’t know about you but I find it infuriating when authorities, who should know better, lie to all of us.

When are they going to come clean on a case not being a case, like we would normally think of a case?  It’s a possible, maybe something.  It’s certainly not a reason to cower under our Covid Lockdown bedcovers.  There are not half a million new cases a day.  There are half a million +ve PCR tests.  Most of which can be proven to be false positives.  

Read this article, by my favourite Scottish GP, to see how a 1% false positive PCR test can transform that half a million new cases a day figure, to 450,000 false positives and only 50,000 true positives.  Please also appreciate that just because someone has a true positive PCR, that still doesn’t make them a sick, infectious case.

If you want to dig in a lot deeper I’d recommend this podcast with with Michael Yeadon who was Vice President & Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory for Pfizer, the company we are reported to be buying our Covid Vaccine from.  If you’d rather read something from Michael, this doesn’t cover it in the same depth as the podcast, but gives an overview.

Glaring by its omission is Sweden not being listed in this graph.  Note that Peru, which I’ve read did one of the worst lockdowns is number 1 for deaths.  I won’t get into the misattribution of deaths in this post but let’s not forget it.

So before we start believing the head of the United Nations, quoted in the Herald article saying: “the Covid-19 pandemic is the greatest crisis of our age.”, maybe we should rephrase that as “the Covid-19 pandemic is the greatest MANMADE crisis of our age.”.   That would be more accurate.  That’s where MANMADE really belongs.  As certainly as it doesn’t belong in “Manmade Climate Change”.  Climate Change is real.  That it is manmade is the question that the UN doesn’t want us to confront them with.

Shouldn’t we be asking what the UN gains by making Climate Change our fault and making us out to be the victims of this ‘terrible scourge’.  Both obviously raise some serious costs to governments and therefore to their populations.  Is it just my suspicion or are they actually trying to bankrupt us in any way they can?

In the meantime, right next to this article you could have read about Donald possibly using a Melania double.  It’s been over a week since the Hunter Biden laptop broke news in the States without a serious mention in the Herald.  I’d think that would have been more newsworthy.   But honest, unbiased reporting died a while ago and humanity’s heart aches for the loss of it.

At least mine does.