Local Government

I’m just starting to build this page. For now it is a collection of questions and links to important documents.

Orewa service centre

Most of us don’t think of local government, or council, except when it’s time to pay our rates. Something council seems to be willing to increase continuously, at our expense. As rate payers it can feel like we are sitting ducks for whatever council says it wants from us. Plus the council’s brief seems to be expanding with the prospect of even bigger draws on our wallets.

How did this happen? Did we vote for it? Or are there other things afoot that we need to be aware of?

The move by government to initiate 3 Waters, to take our water assets away from local government and to use that capital to borrow and indebt us all further, has brought to the stark light of day the need to give this our attention.

In October 2021, the Timaru Counci unsubscribed from Local Government New Zealand, an organisation that sounds very official but is an independent company with its own agenda’s, that our collective councils pay several million dollars a year, of our money, to belong to and to get advice from. You can read the Timaru Mayor’s letter of exit from this organisation because of its agreement with the Crown not to oppose 3 Waters even though its stated intent is to increase the ‘participatory democracy’ of the local areas of NZ.

They both make enlightening reading that bring into clearer relief how bodies like this are influencing our local councils without our consent. We need to be aware of how the paths our councils are going down are not chosen by us but by supra national bodies that we have not elected.

The housing densification that we are all questioning right now is one such issue. Is it something we want? Or is it something the UN wants?

Beyond the UN is it something that Klaus Schwab and his WEF wants? I’m not sure if you are aware of it but the WEF and the UN formed an agreement between the two organisations just a few short months before the Covid debacle hit the world stage. https://www.weforum.org/press/2019/06/world-economic-forum-and-un-sign-strategic-partnership-framework/

And did you know that Auckland City Council is working toward helping Klaus Schwab action his agenda in Auckland. https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/plans-projects-policies-reports-bylaws/our-plans-strategies/auckland-plan/opportunities-prosperity/Pages/fourth-industrial-revolution.aspx

I’ve heard that the Waikato Council is being held up as the model to follow. You can see how they are completely running to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal Agenda. https://www.waikatowellbeingproject.co.nz/our-targets & https://www.gets.govt.nz/WARC/ExternalTenderDetails.htm?id=24997497

Why is it that the UN and an unelected globalist is so embedded in our local councils? Klaus Schwab’s books Covid-19: The Great Reset and book 2 of The Great Reset, The Great Narrative give an idea of what his thinking is. Famous for his quote that in the future we will own nothing and be happy, I have to wonder, if indebting our councils with debts that could cripple not just them, but us, that may be one way he can achieve that goal?

Is it time to question our councillors to see who they are actually working for? And to identify and support those that will work for us, as they should do?

More to come…