I trust it’s been a great day. Independence Day, even though I’m a kiwi, has always held a special place in my heart. Independence is a good thing for us all to be thinking about no matter where we live and I’d like to take a moment to encourage you to foster your Independence from something you may not realise you are enslaved to. And that is to the tyranny of the USDA’s food pyramids in their varied forms.
Harsh words. But not mine alone.
Harvard Medical School recommend that you do that too. You can read their comments here:http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/pyramid/
But I don’t think they go into it deep enough or hard enough. As of 2014 we see the position on butter has been reversed. I imagine red meat will soon follow. You can access my thoughts on that here: http://evolvingfoodpyramids.com
To help you assert your Independence I’d like to recommend a book I’ve recently read.
It’s been one of a number of books I’ve read on the issue and for me it is the one book that really got me crystal clear (and I do mean crystal clear) of the damaging effect of a high carbohydrate diet through it’s influence on insulin and glucagon. These two hormones and their cascading effects are responsible for all the misery we unleash on ourselves through our blind enslavement to recommended guidelines.
The book also got me abundantly clear on how much protein I needed in my diet. I know now I wasn’t eating enough and since I have initiated the changes in what I eat the results are delightful.
You know what really annoys me? This information has been proven for at least two decades. How come more people aren’t aware of it? Like Independence Day in the States it started from the movement of like minded souls spreading the light of awareness to those who would listen and act.
Here’s the book. “Protein Power” by Dr’s Michael and Mary Eades. Grab it. Devour it. Assert your Independence. Put it into practice. And pass the flame on to someone else.
I guarantee that all the myths you now believe in will disappear in the light of this awareness. Are you willing to put it to the test?
Post this far and wide, spread the light of Independence,
p.s. You can also see a video of Michael at the top of this page, a collection of videos to help fan the flames that I started in February 2014: http://daragrennie.com/health/low-carb-high-fat-how-many-doctors-will-it-take
Thanks. To get my recent update on this you can go to http://www.evolvingfoodpyramids.com