Welcome to this modular series on the Lies That Keep Us Sick, Fat & Tired And What To Do To 8Feel Healthy, Trim & Energetic
You’ll find a pdf for each module underneath it. Open that to click on the relevant links, in the words or pictures, in the pages of the presentation to dig in for more information if you need it.
M1: Overview & Introduction
Key Points:
Human beings are the only animals that eat according to their philosophy, i.e. we generally eat what we believe to be healthy.
Great idea if our beliefs match reality. Terrible idea if they don’t.
M2: My Story – Your Goals
Key Points:
It can take years for problems to develop even when you believe you are doing everything right. There’s those pesky beliefs again!
Whatever your goal is, it’s important to learn to eat what your body was designed to eat or has evolved to work best with.
M3: When Doctors Disagree
Key Points:
Doctor’s do disagree.
It’s not your fault if you have been listening to the wrong doctors and you’ve ended up sick, fat &/or tired. It’s their fault for believing the wrong thing and telling you that you’d better believe it too.
Whatever you eat changes your genes activity, for better or for worse.
M4: The Big Mistake
Key Points:
The biggest problem came with the changing of the nutritional guidelines in the 1970’s with ideas that were simply beliefs, with no proof. Since then they’ve been proved to be incorrect but it’s been hard for the ‘authorities’ to simply admit that they got it wrong.
M5: Hope Is At Hand
Key Points:
Visceral Fat is nasty stuff.
You can be a normal weight and still have visceral fat.
Thankfully it’s the first fat to go if you eat and drink right.
There are plenty of doctors now, who have their beliefs aligned with what the human body is really designed for.
We really have not had the evolutionary time to adapt to the modern diet and shouldn’t expect that we ever will.
M6: What’s So Bad About Carbohydrates?
Key Points:
Learn to use food to fix yourself up not as a ‘fix’.
Learn which foods your body loves and stick to those.
Learn to appreciate how perilous carbohydrates can be. Disrupting our body’s ability to perform at its best, ageing us prematurely and setting us up for some major diseases.
Most but not everyone will be best eating a ketogenic diet.
M7A: Carbohydrate Counting
M7B: Resets Carnivore to Vegan
Key Points:
We each need to be willing to explore to find out what works best for us.
We each have a carbohydrate tolerance level.
We need to eat within that tolerance level.
Just because you can tolerate a certain amount doesn’t mean you have to eat up to that level. There are no essential carbohydrates.
We need to explore which carbohydrate foods within our tolerance level actually work best for us.
Eliminate the unhealthy fats and increase the healthy ones.
We each need to put it to the test by trying one of the 30 day resets, seeing what we learn from that and explore other changes from that learning.
M8: When To Eat
Key Points:
Include limiting your eating window in one of the 30 day resets.
M9: Results To Pay Attention To
Key Points:
Be aware of helplessness, rebellion or addiction.
Use your key markers – hunger, energy levels and waistline – as guides on your journey.
Know which blood tests are important and how to interpret them.
If you are on insulin or an insulin releasing drug be aware that you may need to reduce them by as much as 50% on your first day. Talk to your prescribing doctor about what you plan to do. Hypoglycaemia can be lethal.
Same with antihypertensives but the reduction isn’t as dramatic as it can be with insulin. You can damage yourself if you faint from low blood pressure because the drugs push your blood pressure too low when you reduce the carbohydrates. While most people will see blood pressure come down over time and they can increase salt if they get cramps etc, there are some people that have salt sensitive hypertension so you need to watch out to spot if that is you and work with your prescribing doctor.
I didn’t talk about antidepressants in the video but if you are on these they can be very challenging to come off of. Talk with your prescribing physician about how to reduce these responsibly.
Summary And Support
Key Points:
If you’re not ready for one of the 30 day resets you can choose one of the options from the menu in the video.
Enjoy the journey. When you get it right, for your body-mind, you will know.
If you’d like some mentoring, one on one time with me is $70 an hour or $40 for 30 mins. Contact me at darag@daragrennie.com or cell +64275047280
Like and follow me at: https://www.facebook.com/LCHF-Paleo-Ketogenic-Lifestyles-with-Dr-Darag-Rennie-457984394365332/