This is not an exhaustive treatise on shame and pride but some nutshells that you will hopefully find helpful in your journey.
I like to look at our various emotions as stepping stones across the current river we are facing, from the side of fear, despair and hopelessness to the other side of hope, empowerment, love and joy. And I imagine the stepping stones being just far enough apart that you have to step on each one to get to the next. What that means is – to the degree you have trouble with any of the stepping stones, to that degree it is difficult to get across the river to where you want to be.
In this analogy the idea also is to use the stepping stones to get across the river, not to stay stuck on a particular stepping stone for life.
Having a healthy relationship with each emotion is like creating a path between the stepping stones. Where there is an easy ebb and flow of emotion as you go into them, through them and learn from them as they support you in your process to get to the other side.
Two emotional ‘stepping stones’ that I know I’ve had trouble with are shame and pride and I’m learning to develop a healthy relationship with them rather than an unhealthy one.
To me shame and pride seem like they are on opposite ends of a scale or a continuum. Shame being on -10 and pride being on +10. My tendency is to get stuck on shame. One of the repetitive lines I remember as I was growing up was “You should be ashamed of yourself!” And I’ve tended to avoid pride. As the saying goes, “Pride goes before a fall” so avoid pride at all costs!!! Just kidding:)!
I’m about to share some of my thoughts on how to get on to and over those stepping stones on life’s journey but before I do why don’t you take a moment to reflect on your own relationship with shame and pride? Do you avoid them at all cost? Is there one that you favour? How do you experience them? If you want to get more mileage from this, write your thoughts down.
What I find helps is to get some perspective from a higher vantage point. Some people call this the ‘witnessing’ state but whatever the name, it’s simply the place where you reside inside yourself and can ‘see’ what’s going on with you from a non-judgemental sense.
You can imagine it on paper/screen like this. From that ‘higher’ vantage point inside yourself you can see where you along the shame-pride continuum.
Shame -10 —————————–+10 Pride
A point of note: the aim is not to reside at a point halfway between them called neutral or ‘0’ but to honestly feel where you are in each instance, as only from knowing where you are, can you decide where you want to go and effectively move ahead.
The way to be able to step on each of these ‘stepping stones’, so you can get across the river you are facing, is to:
- Appreciate each for what they are.
- Appreciate yourself for feeling them.
- Learn the lesson they hold for you, in the moment you are feeling them, so you can move forward with your life.