Despite being threatened with losing their jobs and medical licenses, there are doctors all over the world coming out to question our Covid responses. They know that it is not Covid that is killing people but our global response to it.
The simple fact that these doctors are willing to stick their necks out should cause anyone who is questioning their wisdom to pause and wonder, if they indeed might be right. That they are in fact wide awake and doing their best to warn the rest of us that something is far from OK about this response. And that we need to be taking steps to educate and protect ourselves and others, like they are.
I’ll start from our home ground.
New Zealand
For more from New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science:

Doctors For Covid Ethics did this symposium in conjunction with UK Column on the 29-30 July 2021. I recommend you listen to all of it but particularly Session 2. It’s not until we can appreciate the agenda behind this that we can put our Covid Response into perspective. It all becomes clear when we can see that.
For more information from Doctors For Covid Ethics:
Some deep insight into the inner machinations of the controlled corporate science – government interface.
Sadly, the full version of this discussion was taken down by YouTube. If I find another version of it I’ll put it up. Here is a brief excerpt.
United Kingdom

United States
Another highly recommended Summit. Recorded 27 July 2021.

This segment deserves special notice. Watch as a pathologist asks the question as to why with over 11,000 possible deaths from the vaccine that there was no post jab autopsies until recently? He then goes into showing the results.

For thoughts on Covid-19 vaccines from Physicians for Informed Consent: