May The Force Be With You

With a delightful double entendre that encapsulates the best of the message behind the Star Wars series, Senior Constable Alex Cooney from NSW takes a stand that we would hope all police officers would take. We would indeed hope that the police force would stand on...

What Saying No Looks Like

This article looks promising. Unfortunately you have to wade through the whole of the video till he actually makes that point. Whereas what he is really saying can be determined in his opening sentence in the first 20 seconds. …as we know, Covid 19 has caused...

One Thing We Can Control

Welcome to 2021.   Let’s hope we can get the world back on track this year.  Not that I have a lot of hope for that, given how we don’t seem to be able to control our politicians and their inability to listen to the science that actually matters as they...

Modern Day Witch Hunts

We look back in horror at the thought of witch hunts and the incomprehensible burning alive of innocent women for crimes, we now know, were completely fabricated by the powerful and the frightened people of the day. We can see the ludicrousness of a trial by drowning...

All Guns Blazing

This video came out last week.  Take note of the credentials of the doctor speaking.   He also shares them below if you’d just like to carry on reading here.  As another doctor I listen to, Dr Sam Bailley from Christchurch, NZ, said “It’s great to...

The Anger Is Rising

The anger is rising.  And so it should.  Why?  Because we continue to be lied to.  Whether a cover up is going on simply to hide stupidity, naiveté and gullibility on the part of government and the media, or whether there is an opportunistic play to grab as much...

Red Meat Is Our Saviour

I’ve often told people that when my doctor told me I should eat less red meat and more whole grains and veggies to get my blood fats going in the right direction, that it was me that saw red! Why? If you had been vegetarian for 35 years and wheat free vegan for...

Proof the UN is Wrong Again?

Source: I don’t know about you but I find it infuriating when authorities, who should know better, lie to all of us. When are they going...

Some Corona Virus Realism

I thought that when madness abounds and toilet paper flies like wild migrating geese to more hospitable pastures, a touch of corona virus realism might help the frightened soul. Below are my favourite corona virus enlightenments so far. If you want a quick summary:...

Naomi Seibt – A Climate Realist Heroine

It’s an interesting statement of what the world finds valuable at the moment that a 19 year old girl from Germany will hopefully have more impact on the public perception of the climate issue than the many scientists that have been refused a platform over the...