Thinking back on the year I thought I’d share Anita Moorjani’s story. Her’s is the most inspiring story that I came across in 2012. As with most good things, it came to me through a friend.
You can read more about Anita through her website: or her book Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
Dying with cancer, with her organs shutting down and given only a day or two to live, she went into a Near Death Experience and came back not only to a healed body but to share her story with all who are open to hearing.
For me Anita serves as a reminder of basic principles of life that have a profound ‘ring of truth’ for me. Principles that are both universal and uniquely personal. To catch ourselves when we are being hard on ourselves, to forgive ourselves as we forgive others, and to listen to the voice within that is connected to the Whole by finding and walking our personal path of joy, trusting life will work out as we take what brings us joy to heart, learn to dwell in it, live through it and share it with our worlds. That way there is no sense of separation. Only the experience of connectedness and expansion.
Yes, we do forget at times but the only thing to do is to remember. For me 2013, the first year of the new Mayan calendar, is a good year to practice remembering, sooner.
Enjoy her latest video interview:
And may this help all that are open, to remember and re-experience that our personal paths of joy are deeply practical paths to follow and to trust.
Here’s to a renewed us in 2013.
p.s. I’d love to hear your thoughts below.