LESSON 90.  Second Review

(79). Let me recognise the problem so it can be solved.

This presents a problem to me which I would have resolved.
The miracle behind this grievance will resolve it for me.
The answer to this problem is the miracle that it conceals.

(80).  Let me recognise my problems has been solved.

I need not wait for this to be resolved.
The answer to this problem is already given me, if I will accept it.
Time cannot separate this problem from its solution.

For the complete lesson: http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=90


It can seem a Leviathan task to let go of the idea that we have to do anything to solve all our problems.  To take our minds off our problems seems a leap into the abyss.

But that is simplified when we realise that there is only one problem and that problem has already been solved.

We got a graphic example of this today when we had a phone call from reception in the hotel we are staying in in St Petersburg.  We didn’t have a bit of paper they needed to show the authorities and we couldn’t stay here without it, we’d have to get out in the morning.  What???!!!

After a bit of conversation some toing and froing and some fretting we found a thinnest bit of paper had been slipped into the back of our passports without our knowing at passport control.   And all our problems had indeed already been solved.

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