The anger is rising.  And so it should.  Why?  Because we continue to be lied to.  Whether a cover up is going on simply to hide stupidity, naiveté and gullibility on the part of government and the media, or whether there is an opportunistic play to grab as much profit as possible by philanthro-imperialist players, or whether there is some malevolent plot afoot, it doesn’t really matter.  The truth is what matters.  We can handle the truth because once we know the truth, we’ll have a better idea of how to move forward.  All else will continue to drive us nuts.

Covid affects all of us no matter where we are in the world. I’ve been suspicious of the narrative since the beginning. But to ascertain the truth of a matter you have to wait for the truth, in evidential terms, to come in.
It was visible and top scientists have been telling us since March 2020.  There was absolutely no need for the lockdowns to happen and we knew it then.  Why did our governments and media not listen?  Why are they still not listening now?
In the meantime the evidence has been continuing to mount that we are treating SARS-CoV-2 exactly the wrong way.  Yet main stream media and governments are excruciatingly slow to catch up. Maybe you may know someone who may know someone who could help change that? This video just released today is one of the best birds eye views so far.
I’ve watched over the past several months as Ivor Cummins, the show host, has become increasingly incensed over the lack of uptake by people who should know better.  His emotional honesty is refreshing.  Yet the danger we are all in, is that it’s not getting through to MSM, the Main Stream Media.  We should all be increasingly aware of how that affects society.  After all, that’s old news:

On the word of a newspaper, of course, eighty or ninety percent

would swing to the opposite extreme, and believe anything.

John Wyndham, The Midwich Cuckoos 1957 p89


As Nick Hudson of PANDA, Pandemics – Data & Analytics, says in the interview below – the only scientists we can trust are those that aren’t reliant on government and big business for their income.  The rest, at least in public, are cowards, liars and frauds.  The ones whose incomes are on the line and that still speak up, deserve our respect for their bravery.

Those are strong words but it is a time for strength.  It’s a time for Gandalf the Grey to transform to Gandalf the White as he made his famous stand – You shall not pass!    It is time for each of us who hear the call to wake up those we are in conversation with about this.  To not let media repeated drivel get past us but to make a stand for the truth and to speak it with strength.

May this overview give you the much needed information and the strength to make a stand and to reach out to others who can actually do something about it in the public sphere. 

And if it doesn’t get through to those numbskulls then we’ll just have to get busy and wake up over 50% of the voting population. 

“The science says that this is 

the most catastrophic own goal in human history

in public health interventions

and the irony, the irony,

is the West chose to drop all of what we know and copy China.” 

The original full version is below and the shortened punch line version at the bottom.